Local Templates


(:template first:)
|| width=75% border=1
||'''Name''' ||'''Rank''' ||
(:template each:)
||{=$Name} || ||
(:template last:)
(:if !equal {$$PageCount} 0:)
There were {$$PageCount} matching records.
(:template none:)
No records matched your query.


(:template first {=$Group}:)
* [[{=$Group}/| {=$FullName}]]


forum topics in table format

(:if equal {<$Group}:)
(:table class=forum width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0:)
(:cell class=messagehead :)%thd%'''Topic'''
(:cell class=messagehead :)%thd%'''Posts'''  
(:cell class=messagehead :)%thd%'''Last Posted''' 
(:cell class=messagehead :)%thd%'''By''' (:if:)
(:cellnr class=messageitem :)[[{=$FullName}|+]] 
(:cell class=messageitem :){=$PostCount}
(:cell class=messageitem :){=$LastModified}
(:cell class=messageitem :){=$LastModifiedBy} 
(:if equal {>$Group}:)


(:option {$ScriptUrl}?n={=$FullName} {=$Title}:)


(:input jumpform value="{=$PageUrl}" label="{=$Title}":)

fmt=#selectmenu2 (groups)

(:if ! equal {=$Group} {<$Group}:)
(:option {$ScriptUrl}?n={=$Group}/ {=$Group}:)


(:input jumpbox value="{=$PageUrl}" label="{=$Title}":)


Includes whole pages, with titles as links to the pages, separated by a horizontal rule underneath each page’s content. edit link at right. comment link at right. creation date.

(:if auth edit:)
(:include {=$FullName}##blogend:)
(:if eq %comment%RM%% {{=$FullName}$ReadMore}:)[[{=$FullName}|read more]](:if:)
(:if lt 1 {Comments.{=$Group}-{=$Name}$FoxPostCount} :)
[[{=$FullName}#comments| {Comments.{=$Group}-{=$Name}$FoxPostCount} Comments]]
(:if equal 1 {Comments.{=$Group}-{=$Name}$FoxPostCount} :)
[[{=$FullName}#comments| 1 Comment]]
(:if !exists Comments.{=$Group}-{=$Name} :)
[[{=$FullName}#commentbox| Add Comment]]
>>rfloat<<created {=$BlogDate} -- 
(:if equal {>$Group}:)
(:title {$Title}:)(:if:)


pagelist of spaced blog titles for sidebar, without group heading, with simple creation date

[[#blogdatedtitles]](:if equal {<$Group}:)
[-{=$BlogDateSimple} - -]
* [[{=$FullName}|{=$Title}]]
(:if equal {>$Group}:)


pagelist of spaced blog titles for sidebar, without group heading, with simple modification date

[[#commentsdatedtitles]](:if equal {<$Group}:)
[-{=$LastModifiedDate} - -]
* [[{=$FullName}#post{=$FoxCount}|{=$Title}]]
(:if equal {>$Group}:)


Concatenate the text of pages in the list. (Note, this can be an expensive operation!)


Concatenate the text of pages in the list. (Note, this can be an expensive operation!)

(:include {=$FullName} self=0:)


* [[{=$FullName}|+]] &nbsp; [-&ndash; &nbsp; {{=$FullName}$:Summary}-]